0Monday. 19th May [1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1879 — Therapia
Monday. 19th May [1879]. At 10 o’cl: we went off in the steam launch to Pera Alice, Henry, Sir Alfred & I. Alice & I landed at Dolmabaghcheh the others went to the Porte. We went to Hayden’s & then to the Embassy & waited till Henry joined us to lunch of wh we partook in the housekeeper’s room. Afterwards Alice & I arranged & packed &c. Had visits from Ct Pisani, also Savas P. & Mr Stavrides. At 3.30 we went to call on the Ehrenhoffs & found them in. Henry joined us & we went down to the steam launch & came home. We got home abt 6 & then Alice & I went to the “Coal Hole” (secretaries’ house) where they had a little afternoon dance & I left Alice there under the Hansons’ care. No one to dinner.

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