0Monday. 14th [July 1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1879 — Therapia
Monday. 14th [July 1879]. While Alice was taking her Greek lesson I arranged & tidied drawers. Mrs Hobart called while we were at work & then came Mrs A. & Mrs Hy Hanson. They stayed an hour. Alice finished reading the Life of Barneveld wh we have read loud. I also repeated the whole of the Morte d’Arthur wh I had been learning by heart for some time. I was lying down in my room resting when Mrs Willy Hanson came to call & she came up & we had a long talk over herself & her ways & I tried to give her good advice. Mr Graves & Mr                2 newly arrived student dragomen came to dine & sleep. Recd in the eveng as usual—not very many people came.

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