0Monday. 8th September [1879]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 September 1879 — Therapia
Monday. 8th September [1879]. Blanche came into my room before breakfast and finished reading to me Blind’s Russian conspiracies 2nd part. Edward read aloud Mr Oliphant’s Syria. Alice had a Greek lesson. Mrs W. Hanson & May came to luncheon. Also the Grand Vizier Zarifi P. & his mild son a shy youth from whom altho’ he spoke French, there was no dragging out a word. Directly after lunch Blanche & I went off in the steam launch to call on the Pss Halim P. It was horridly rough going down & it was not so easy to land at Emirghian. We stayed abt ½ hour. The Pss was very nice & had up diamond ringed chibouques & diamond studded drinking cups in Blanche’s honor. The Prince himself was there & very pleasant. We returned straight home & landed at Petalas. Found them all at tennis. Mrs Hanson left but May remained to dine & sleep. Hatzfeldt, Nelly, Ittersum & Corti dined with us & Mr Wallace. After dinner B. sang & we had a few Pinafore choruses. Then I played some valses in the corridor & the others danced some figures of the cotillion. We finished up with “calling home” & Three Jews & went to bed at 11.30.

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