0Sunday. 1st February [1880]—Constantinople
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1 February 1880 — Constantinople
Sunday. 1st February [1880]. Henry & I both went to church. There was still a thaw but the snow still lies in the garden. Wrote & read in the afternoon. D. Patterson came to see me. Then Mme Mantilla came to say they had dined last night with the Sultan & H.M. had sent me all kinds of polite messages thro’ her when she spoke of us as she did a great deal, telling H.M. how fond we were of him & how much we spoke of him. To wh he replied that we were right to be fond of him as he was fond of us &c &c. She was delighted with the Sultan & his politeness & said he wd have a shawl got for her lest she shd get cold at wh she told him he was “muy galante”. & he said it was the duty of a man to be gallant. In fact she was delighted & sat talking to me for more than an hour. She was very amusing abt Dr. Blanc the French Dr she met there. She said an old gentleman came up to her & said you dont remember me Marquise, & she said I have seen yr face but I don’t know where– “On board the boat the doctor.” he said– At wh she screamed—’You here & with the red cap!” & then she remembered he was the Dr on board the Messagerie who had looked after her when she was sea sick on her journey here—& she had taken no notice of him—not even shaken hands with him—& even thrown away the medicines he ordered her, having no confidence in him, & now there he was at the Palace with his red cap on (fez) Dr to a Sultan. While the Marquesa was with me Henry came up with an invitation for us to dine at the Palace on Wedy– Had headache & went to bed as soon as I could before dinner. The Embassy dined as usual.

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