0Tuesday. 10th [February 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 February 1880 — Constantinople
Tuesday. 10th [February 1880]. Wrote for the post nearly all the morning. Alice went out with Mrs Arthur Hanson so Henry & I were alone at luncheon. Mr Gatheral called & I sent by him to his sister in law some money for the refugees at Bebek. At 2.30 I went out riding with Henry. We went by the Taksim on the Therapia road & round by Yildiz—just before getting there we met Corti riding & he joined us. We came round by Beshiktash & the German Embassy home. At 5 I had several visitors—Capt. Haan & the Condouriotis—& then I went up to hear Emily’s lessons Jerry having been kept prisoner in bed all day was absent. Mrs W. Hanson brought her little children dressed in fancy dress to see us– Mr Vincent, Mr Oliphant & Mr Wallace dined. Mrs Arthur Hanson & Mr d’Ehrenhoff, Aimée & Ida came in the eveng & played dominoes. This afternoon I received a letter & parcel from Munir Bey sending me from the Sultan 2 games of Pétchiz a Turkish game wh he had spoken of on Tuesday when we dined there—but Munir confessed he could not tell us how to play. The game is a card-board with marks on wh to place small draughts’ men & it is accompanied by 6 small dice marked on 3 sides with 1 & the other sides blank–

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