0Friday. 9th [April 1880]—Constantinople
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 April 1880 — Constantinople
Friday. 9th [April 1880]. Kathleen came again & Mrs Willy came in to see the progress. It was a lovely day & in the afternoon & after lunch Henry & I drove to Arnautkeui in the Victoria to call on the Caratheodory’s. We met the Pasha near his house & Henry got out & walked with him. Mme C. was at home & I paid her a visit & then they sent us home by a new route thro’ their garden & over the hills. We found a very bad road & had to get out & walk part of the way. The almond trees we saw were in bloom—the first sign of spring. We did not get home till 6. Mr Preziosi & Mr Nicolson dined & we played dominoes & Mr N. & I beat the other two.

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