0Sunday. 30th [May 1880]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 May 1880 — Therapia
Sunday. 30th [May 1880]. I went to morning service at 10.15. After church I had visits from Mrs Willy Hanson & took leave of her also visits from Mrs Sandison & Mrs Longworth. Mr & Mrs A. Hanson, Abro Effendi & Mr Alischan– Mrs Arthur stayed to lunch. In the afternoon a great many visits the Dubskys, Kosjeks, Collobiano, The Russian Ambr, Ct Hatzfeldt, Ittersum, Mr Wrench. We sat in the garden & had tea there and at 6 oclock we went in the steam launch to Buyukdéré taking Mr Goschen, Hatzfeldt & Ittersum to call on Mme Mantilla & to see her house wh is the old Spanish legation wh the Minister has not inhabited for many years but they have done it up & made it habitable. There is a very pretty avenue of trees leading out of the drawing room—& the door opens straight on it. We met the Condouriotis there & so I did not go to pay them a visit. We returned home leaving Hatzfeldt & Ittersum to return to their abode at Buyukdéré. Mr St John, Sir Alfred Sandison, Mr Sartoris, Mr L. Gower, Mr Steven, Mr Bland, Mr Maxwell, Mr Goschen, Mr E. Goschen, Mr Clarke Jervoise, Mr Smijth [dined].

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