0Saturday. 29th May [1880]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1880 — Therapia
Saturday. 29th May [1880]. Directly after breakfast we started in the Antelope to go to town– Mr Goschen & his brother, & Sir Alfred Sandison & Mr Leveson Gower, Mr Washington went with us to go over to Scutari Home School. At Dolmabaghcheh & landed with the Goschens & we went up to the Embassy. Henry & Sir Alfred landed later & went to Yildiz where Henry is to have an audience of the Sultan. When we got to the Embassy Mr Preziosi was there to attend Mr Goschen & to go with him to Savas Pashas &c Mr Onan & M. Kosjek came to the Embassy to call on him & I saw them. Then I went round the house with Mr Thompson to see abt furniture & afterwards sat in the secretarys sitting room where Mr E. Goschen joined me & we had a talk on household matters. At 1.30 Mr Goschen returned & soon after Henry so we had luncheon in the secy’s mess room. Afterwards I had a visit from the Etienne Pisanis while Henry took Mr G. over the house. Went with Henry & Mr E. Goschen to the memorial church to see the glass mosaics wh have just been put up & wh I have contributed to & then took leave of Mr Curtis & Mrs Walker. Went to call on Mme Novikoff—found her at home & found Mr Goschen calling there so from there we all drove together to Dolmabaghcheh & returned on board. Had tea going up. Hatzfeldt went up in his station run at the same time & he & Ittersum paid us a visit. We played tennis for the first time this season & had tea in the grove. Mrs Wharton, Mr Ashburnham, Mr Smijth, Hobart P. dined.

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