0Friday. 28th May [1880]—Therapia
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28 May 1880 — Therapia
Friday. 28th May [1880]. We expected the Helicon to arrive with Mr Goschen to breakfast but there came news that she was hindered by bad weather & would not arrive till 2. I spent a busy morning going over furniture with Mr Thompson. Mrs Henry Hanson came up for a few minutes to say good bye to me. Mrs Arthur H. came & stayed a little longer. Ld Edmond Fitzmaurice came just after breakfast & remained till Mr Goschen came wh he did shortly after luncheon with his brother Mr E. Goschen & Mr Clarke Jervoise. I began to realise now that we were going. Went out into the garden—& I went to Mrs Currie’s to arrange with her about sendg Emily to the home school from wh Florence has just returned. Went to the tennis ground but it was too windy to play & it blew hard all day long. Walked with Mr Jervoise & then Mrs Fawcett called & we came in & had tea. Mrs Washington came & arranged abt going over to Scutari for me to settle abt Emily. The Sultans ADC Ahmet B. came to beg Henry to go to see him tomorrow & sent me a message that he had no idea we meant to go so soon, wh was a great story, & to say that the cow he had promised me had calved & he wd send her to me to take her with me! I begged him to thank H.M. & to say the cow was of no use to me now as I cd not possibly take her with me. Mr Sartoris took tea with me & we had a long chat abt our prospects & he wishes as did Sir Wm Gregory that Henry was going into Parliament. At dinner we were Mr Sartoris, Mr E. Goschen, Mr St John, Mr Jervoise, Mr Bland (the Consul Genl. at Salonica), Sir Baldwin Walker, Mr. Steven.

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