0Thursday. 27th May [1880]—Therapia
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27 May 1880 — Therapia
Thursday. 27th May [1880]. Made lists of furniture that we are leaving & packed up things. Mrs Jolliffe came to see me—also Mrs Patterson, Mr C. Hanson & Mr Ede, & old Mrs Hanson & Mrs Walker came to lunch. Directly after lunch we went out to prepare for the English Sunday school children who were to come to tea. Mrs Walker had brought the cakes &c oranges & machine for making tea. Mme Fernandez & her girls called & Mrs Condouriotis & sat out in the grove with us a little while, then abt 4 all the Sunday schools arrived with their banners flying they just walked round the garden & then came to the grove & there we gave out to them tea & buns & oranges. I had prepared for 250 & there must have been double the number not counting mothers & friends. They sang hymns and Dr Thompson gave a short address & then they sang God save the Queen & gave 3 cheers departed. The Washingtons & I went in & had some tea quietly. I found Hobart P. with Henry all wrapped up with a bad cold & he excused himself from dining tonight. Henry also tells me he had a visit from Mr Fawcett very penitent for yesterday’s rudeness wh he said was caused from the impression he was under that Henry has written home against him. I forgot to say that Kadri P. turned up early this morning to breakfast. The Spanish Minister & Mme Mantilla, Mr Nicolson, Preziosi, Capt. & Miss Sharp & Mr Woodford the messenger dined with us & Henry & the Marquesa had their last games of dominos together.

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