0Wednesday. 26th [May 1880]—Therapia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 May 1880 — Therapia
Wednesday. 26th [May 1880]. Busy all the morning getting writing materials packed up & arranging all kinds of things. Old Mrs Washington came to bid me goodbye. Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice & his secys Mr Vincent & Mr Cartwright came to lunch. Dr Mongeri called to take leave– I saw Col. Synge for the first time since he got away from the brigands. He is a tall stout man & looks none the worse tho’ they say he has grown graver & less talkative. It blew hard all day but was fine. Went in the garden after lunch with Henry & found Antonio marking out the tennis ground. Lady Sinclair & Miss St Clair called & then later Telad Effi & Mrs Arthur Hanson came. Telad came to thank me for having gone to his daughter’s wedding. He is a very fine man—a Dervish & very picturesquely dressed in flowing robes—a felt round kind of cap—quilted—a white turban & a black patch in the middle of it—yellow babooshes & a long ebony wand with an ivory knob. He is a very holy man & never eats even a chicken that has not been fed at home for 25 days– Refyk Bey Ahmed Vefyk’s son called to take leave—later the Mantillas came to call from Buyukdéré where they are now established for the summer. We walked to Petalas with them to see them off by their steamer. We met M. Maxinoff who was coming to call on us & he walked home with us. En route we met Mr & Mrs Fawcett and stopped to speak to them but both looked glum & Mr F. was especially rude when Henry remarked that he had not yet seen him since his return—so we left them & came on– Mme Novikoff & her daughter & Mme Onan came to call early in the afternoon. They spoke English very well but I was not impressed with them they the Novs seemed rather vulgar & most oddly dressed– Calliardy Bey came to take leave & then I had just time to dress for dinner. We went to dine on board the Antelope with the Capt. & Officers and met there the Washingtons & all the Embassy besides Mr Cartwright. The deck was covered in & arranged as a drawing room with tables, chairs, piano &c, & we dined on the bridge which was very nicely arranged & covered in with flags & decorated with flowers. We sat down 22 in number– After drinking “the queen” the Capt. made a short speech proposing Henry’s & Mine wh was drunk with cheers. In the evening we all sang singularly & in chorus & so the evening passed away & when we left the ship the officers cheered us again.

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