0Wednesday. 16th [June 1880]—Langham House, Portland Place
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 June 1880 — Langham House, Portland Place
Wednesday. 16th [June 1880]. Sat with the M who was arranging Turkish embroidery (Refugee) for sale. A lady came & bought some. I went out with Blanche shopping for ½ hour before lunch & went to her house for a few minutes with her– Henry came back to lunch & then he & I went in our own brougham to call on Bss Burdett Coutts & saw Mr Bartlett there. We went on to meet Mr Burton at the National Gallery & see some of the new pictures that are bought since last we were here. It rained so hard that we came straight home—& I rested till dinner. The M & S dined out so we were alone with Nellie & Alice. We played dominoes in the eveng & went to bed early.

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