0Monday. 10th [January 1881]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 January 1881 — Naples
Monday. 10th [January 1881]. Got up a little earlier. Breakfasted at 8.30 & went off to the 9.30 train to go to Pompei. The cab driver was going so slowly we were afraid of losing the train so Henry told him to go on—on which he cooly said he must have 2 francs! We at once got out & left him there—getting into another cab wh we luckily found. We met the De Bülows & their maid & we had Hill with us. The engineer of the scavi M. Fulvio met us & went with us. We went as we did last time to Torre Annunziata where we got carriages & drove to Pompei. We walked about seeing the principal things theatres, temples, & the street of tombs & then returned to the Hotel Diomede where we got an excellent hot luncheon & some black coffee—thus refreshed we set out again. Mme de Bulow had a sedan chair & the rest of us walked. We went to see the scavi & found 2 Grand Dukes, Sergius & Paul having a scavo for them & we were shown a skeleton & other things they had found—a large room in the same house was opened for us—but nothing but a few glass beads & the lock of the door was found. When the Grand Ducal party had gone Signor Fulvio took us to another place where they were digging at the top of the house & had come on a mosaic fountain wh was very lovely & had mosaic figures for ornamentation besides real sea shells. We were not able to stop to see more than a small bit of it uncovered as we had no time & we went to the amphitheatre on foot. It rained a little but the fine weather returned in half hour. Close to the amphitheatre we found our carriages waiting to us & we drove from there back to the station & got home just in time for the table d’hôte dinner. Played dominos in the eveng.

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