0Sunday. 6th February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 February 1881 — Rome
Sunday. 6th February [1881]. Henry took me to the American Church & on the way we called at the Hotel Bristol to show the Zarifis the patterns of Burano Lace. They promised to order some for Mlle Therese’s wedding. The Am: Church is very handsome inside—fine marbles & a dado of tiles in imitation of the Alhambra. The Pagets go there instead of the English churches as they have quarelled with the Chaplain. We came away before the sermon. Mr Warrington Wood came to luncheon & we then took him to walk in the Palatine. It was not very sunny but we had a pleasant walk & then went to the Villa Campana where a good many of our friends were assembled & we had tea & returned home at 5. We dined at home. In the eveng Morelli came to fetch Henry & took him to Mme Alfieri’s. I went to bed.

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