0Saturday. 5th [February 1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1881 — Rome
Saturday. 5th [February 1881]. I went alone to the Villa Campana & worked at learng to give the “texture” to my bust of the Augustus & sat a short time to Mr Wood. Came home to lunch. Took Hy to the Hotel du Quirinal to call on Genl. Medici, one of Garibaldi’s officers who is now sr ADC to the King & altho’ very infirm goes to H.M. every morng. I went to see Mrs Beauclerk & found her at home. She lives in the Piazza Independenza. We then went & left some cards & then Henry went to the Chamber of Deputies to hear a debate & I went home. Visits from Mme Minghetti, the Villa Mantillas, Morelli & Ct Conestabile. Mme Minghetti asked us to go & see her this eveng so after we had dined we dressed & went there. We met Mme Alfiere & her daughter Mme Visconti Venosta, Ct Carlo Borromeo & several others & had a pleasant eveng but returned home at 11.

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