0Thursday. 17th February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 February 1881 — Rome
Thursday. 17th February [1881]. I went off at 9.30 to Villa Campana– Found Mr Wood was ill in bed & the girl whose portrait I was making was also laid up. So I worked at the young Augustus. Returned to luncheon & directly after I went off to call on Mme Minghetti to get the list of people I had to call on & thence I went to leave cards. Came back at 3.30 & took a walk with Henry. Went to Augusto Castellani’s to fetch my order wh he mended for me. We went to see Lady Bagot & found her at home. Home at 5. Mme Cerruto & the Senator Cerruti called & also Mme Peruzzi (née Story). Later Morelli came with Mme Minghetti & she took me out to her dressmaker in the Piazza di Spagna to see abt arranging my dark blue velvet to wear at one of the balls where the Queen goes. We were not gone long but we found that Lady Paget had called to invite us to her balcony to see the Carnival in the Corso. Morelli dined with us & left early to go by train to Florence. We went to a party given in our honor at Mrs Meyer’s Piazza de Spagna. Met the Adl. Acton—Minister of Marine—& the Minister of Finance & Mme Marliani & Miss Goldsmid. There was some music not very first rate—& the appartment was very small. From there we went to Lady Bowen’s where there was a large party & some singing, very painful to hear. It was very hot & being late we did not stay there long.

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