0Friday. 18th February [1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1881 — Rome
Friday. 18th February [1881]. I went off to the Villa Campana & sat to Mr Wood. My model being still ill he sent for a regular model a boy he knows & I am to begin him tomorrow. When I returned I found Mr Malcolm sitting with Henry having just arrived from Venice. He lunched with us. Henry & I drove out to the German Emby to see the Ambr who kindly took us over the house & on to the roof to see their splendid view over Rome. He then took us into the garden of the German Hospital to see where the Tarpeian rock is supposed to be. Went on to the Protestant cemetery to see the grave of Keats & the Heart of Shelley. The cemetery is most beautifully kept and every grave was covered with violets while large camelia plants were placed in all directions. It is near the testaccio & the tomb of Scylla Metella. We left some cards on the way home. Had a visit from Mrs Mason & her daughter. Dined at home & went to the Pallavicini Ball in the Rospigliosi Palace. The Court were not present the Ministers not having being invited wd not let their Majesties go– The ball was quite a failure. We stayed till 1 & then were glad to get home. Henry had a stitch in his side wh made me anxious.

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