0Tuesday. 22nd [February 1881]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1881 — Rome
Tuesday. 22nd [February 1881]. I went off early to my work at the Villa Campana and Henry came to fetch me home after he had been to see Sir Aug. Paget. Lady P. sent me a bouquet of violets to my great astonishment. After lunch Henry & I walked out together & we went up to call on Mrs Field & thank her for some flowers she had sent me large purple anemones & spirea with white kind of May flowers. We then went to the Bowen’s balcony to see the throwing of the confetti for a short time & then on to the Saumarez balcony where I had settled to visit Lady Bagot. She did not come so just before the Barberi Henry & I took a cab to go to Mme Westenberg’s. The man told us we cd get across the Corso on foot—we found the Barrier shut and so had to run round some way to get to the Palazzo Bonaparte. We arrived just in time to see the Barberi. Met Mr & Mrs Jocelyn there & then walked home with Mr J. after the last cannon when it was all over. We dined at 8 and directly after went to Dss Sermoneta’s where we met a curious collection of old frumps, a Mrs Carson, Mr & Mrs Dana, Mr Harvey, &c.

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