0Wednesday. 23rd [March 1881]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1881 — Paris
Wednesday. 23rd [March 1881]. Alice came to fetch me to shop but Lady Loveless came to see the Burano lace & so we were detained until we had to go straight to the Grand hotel to Breakfast. Afterwards Henry took me to call on the Weisweillers whom we found at home & then I went to the H. des Deux Mondes with him & he & Mr Rate went out together as did Alice & I to finish our shopping. We then took leave of each other & I went home & dressed & Henry & I dined at the Embassy. We met Mme Mercier whom I had not seen since the year of the Franco Russian war when she was at Biarritz. She is still wonderfully handsome but rather stout. She was very nice & kind to me & insisted upon taking me back to the hotel in her carriage. Met also at dinner Mr Sheffield, Mr O’Conor, Mr Edwardes all of the Embassy.

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