0Monday. 4th April [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 4th April [1881]. Little Mildred Guest came up from the country to see me & to stay to luncheon. She was very nice & much improved. Arthur came to meet her & stayed a little while chatting. I talked to Mildred abt her mother. She said she had been to see her but that she could not help loving her father the best as he had been so much with her. She said she thought she remembered her mother to have been prettier than she found her—at best she liked people to have kind eyes. It was sad to hear the little thing talk– She told me that the French governess I persuaded Arthur to get rid of [had] been very unkind to her & Rhuvon & had taught them to dislike their father. At 3 Mrs Passmore called to fetch Mildred & I went out driving with Susan Hambro. We left a good many cards and I bought flowers for our dinner table. We had our first little dinner party consisting of Blanche & Edward Ponsonby, Mr Arthur Otway, Sir Wm Dyke, Monty, Mr John Ashburnham.

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