0Tuesday. 12th April [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 April 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 12th April [1881]. Mrs MacDonell came to lunch with us & we had a long talk about Rome & our prospects of going there. Her husband is 1st secy but she never goes there on acct of the way Lady Paget treats her. Henry went out in the carriage at 2.30 & then returned to fetch me. I took him to the F.O. & left him & then went to enquire after Ld Beaconsfield who seemed a little better. Went on to call on Lady Eastlake & found her at home. Sat with her abt ½ hour. Talking of lace she said she had some very fine point d’Alençon wh she said she thought I must have when she was gone. Went home. Mr Cartwright came to see me at tea time. Also Mr & Mrs John Murray. Later Henry came in. Lord St. Germain called. We went to dine with the Hambros in Mansfield St. Met the Danish Minister & Css Falbe, Mr Stewart & Mrs Hamilton, sister in law of Amelia Wood whom I had never before seen. When we returned home met Monty & Arthur at the door Arthur having looked in to see me—but it was too late for him to stay.

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