0Tuesday. 19th April [1881]—Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 April 1881 — Inwood, Henstridge, Somerset
Tuesday. 19th April [1881]. I got up for breakfast very much better & found that Merthyr had taken to his bed with a severe cold. Wrote letters in the morng & corrected translation of Lace Book. Sat some time with Merthyr in his bedroom & had a long talk. After lunch Henry and I went out for ½ hour’s walk & found it bitterly cold. Came in & I sat with Lady Westminster & Henry sat with Merthyr who still kept his bed so we had a parti carré at dinner. There was a report in the afternoon that Lord Beaconsfield was dead– Hill went home to her mother in Devonshire.

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