0Thursday. 28th April [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 28th April [1881]. Luff came early to talk over the missing plate & promises to try & get list of plate wh he bought for us. Blanche fetched me & took me for a drive in the afternoon & we went to the Cooperative stores & bought plants. Being rather tired I went to rest before dinner. Mr Bartlett called & Henry received him. He had the impertinence to bring up a dog with him who got on the silk sofa– We dined with the Misses Duff Gordon—& met Lady Lilford, Sir Fred. Leighton, Mr Browning, Miss Lewis, Mr Gambier Parry, Mr Mowbray & Mr Maxwell Light. I sat next the latter & Mr G. Parry took me to dinner. There was also a Mrs                née Crampton well known for her beautiful singing. She is now a widow. She sang two songs very beautifully.

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