0Sunday. 1st May [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 May 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 1st May [1881]. A regular April day. A great shower came on just as Monty & I were setting off to St Anne’s church. So we waited & went to the Chapel Royal at 12. Beautiful anthem sung. We returned for Henry & then walked up to Langham House to lunch with Mama & to meet Sir Henry Cole who wanted to talk art with Henry & Monty & Schrei: At 3 I walked with Monty to Queen Anne St to see Blanche but she was gone to church & Monty then left me at the church in Langham Place. There I found Blanche. We stayed to the prayers & then I walked to Q. Anne St with her and had tea & sat talking till Henry came to fetch me & we went to dine at 22 Mansfield St with Susan & Mr Hambro quite alone–

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