0Friday. 10th June [1881]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1881 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 10th June [1881]. Mr Rate came & breakfasted with us at 9.30– Directly after breakfast Theodora came to me & we went off together to see Hayward’s lace Exhibition that she might see our Burano school work. She then dropped me at Blanche’s & I lunched there & went down to the Fancy Fair for a little while. I met Temmy Austin there & offered to take her home to Savile Row & give her tea but I waited a long time in vain for my carriage & it could not be found. I then gave up the chase & came home alone in a hansom by 5 o’cl. Miss Hogarth & Miss Dickens came to tea & also Mrs Rate. We dined at Ld & Lady Avelands—a great smart fashionable dull dinner.

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