0Tuesday. 28th June [1881]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 June 1881 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Tuesday. 28th June [1881]. We breakfasted abt 9.30—and then Monty & I began the unpacking & arranging of the house– Henry & the Genl. rested & the latter spent all the morning with his servant solemnly preparing his fishing tackle. We lunched at 2 & while the others fished Monty & I drove in a carriole to Süra his other house where there were a great many boxes of things wh he had bought over from Genl. Seymer. We found on getting there that Herr Süra had gone out with the keys. His wife begged us to wait saying he would come directly. We waited some time—went to the post house to get some stamps—found that the girl in charge did not know where they were. After she had looked every where amid a heap of papers, & letters—pall mall in a drawer—one wondered any letter ever reached its destination & we returned to see for Süra but he was not there. We went into a cottage where two women were making Flap brot large thin wafers of meal which they rolled out with great dexterity. There was also a loom in the corner in wh was made the cloth of the country. At last we gave up waiting for Sura and turned home. When we came to the bridge we found a bed of lilies of the valley growing. Monty picked a lot of flowers & we resolved to return someday for the roots. We dined at 8 oclock & I was glad to get to bed early notwithstanding the light night.

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