0Monday. 11th [July 1881]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 July 1881 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Monday. 11th [July 1881]. I went down to the meadow near the river to continue my sketch of the valley & remained at work till past 2. I then returned home & copied out the Lace book till dinner time (4). Afterwards went with the General to pen up the ducks for fattening & as soon as that was done Monty & I went out fishing in the Fjord with Ericson. We had not very good sport. We began trolling for sea trout but caught nothing. We tryed spearing for flounders without success—then we went to try for sythe but got none—we took 16 small fish—haddock & codling—& whiting—but it was not a good day’s work. When we returned abt 10 we found Henry waiting at the door with a salmon of                lbs & a grilse of 5½ lbs which he had caught. The Genl. came home with empty hands & we then had supper abt 11. I played 2 games of cribbage with the Genl. & then we all retired to bed–

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