0Sunday. 31st [July 1881]—En route to Hull
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 July 1881 — En route to Hull
Sunday. 31st [July 1881]. The swell abated and I was all right & laid in bed and read. At 11 one of the three clergymen on board did the service in the saloon and as he sat not far from my cabin I was able to join in the service from my bed. It got so smooth that I afterwards got up & went on deck. The captain was kind eno’ to open his deck cabin and to let me sit in it & I spent the afternoon there & Monty sat with me. I worked & he tried to sketch. The glass went down rapidly in the afternoon & the wind went right round the compass. The Captain told us at dinner that he feared we were going to have some very bad weather & sure eno it soon began to feel a little movement & I made off to bed & had scarcely got safely in when it began to blow hard & rain & we had a regular storm. One had hard work not to roll out of ones berth & so there was not much sleep to be got.

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