0Sunday. 4th [September 1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 September 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 4th [September 1881]. Spent the whole morning arranging my boudoir drawers & tidying things. After lunch wrote to Connie & Mrs Ross & at 3 we went out for a row. Called on the Edens & found them at home Mr Eden lying flat on his back. They have a nice appartment in the Barbarigo Palace near the Prefettura. Rowed round the Public gardens & Arsenal & home by the small canals & S. Giovanni e Paolo. Pasted into the despatch book. Henry dined with the Prefect Manfrin, a dinner to the commissioners. I dined up in the studio—read & pasted despatches till Henry came home. Read for a hour. Bed.

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