0Saturday. 3rd September [1881]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 September 1881 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 3rd September [1881]. Girl came & I modelled from 10 to 12 & began to make a little visible progress. I went back to it again after lunch & then cleaned up & went out at 4 in the gondola to join Henry at the Exhibition of maps. I did not go in. He came out & we went & took a turn in the Giardino publico & then came home. I worked at the despatch book till dinner. After dinner we took a row in the moonlight & then came home & played cribbage & read till bed time. Letter from Connie announcing Ld St German’s engagement & offering to come with Charlie & 2 girls to pay us a visit after the marriage.

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