0Sunday. 15th January [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 15th January [1882]. Breakfast at 9. Helped Henry to tear up & arrange his papers. I went to church at 11 at St George’s Hanover Square & came out before the sermon– Arthur came in to lunch. At 2.30 Henry & I drove out in the brougham. Went to see Watts but he was out—on to Miss Hogarth—no luck—Mrs Poynter’s—out– I left Henry at Lady Reay’s & then went on to Langham House to see my mother. She was at home– Sat ½ hour talking with her & then returned home. I met Mrs Willie Hanson at the end of our street having been to call on me so I begged her to come back & have some tea wh she did. Henry returned also & Sir Collingwood Dickson came– Mrs Willie stayed a long time talking abt Consple. I went up again to help Henry with his tearing up—& he gave me several autographs– Arthur came & dined with us. Just as we were finishing dinner Monty arrived from Bere & went out to the club to dine– Arthur left us early & went to join Monty.

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