0Tuesday. 24th January [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 January 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 24th January [1882]. Wrote a little & read Merimée’s letters to Panizzi. After lunch Henry & I drove out together—went to S. Hambro’s & left cards at several places & then went to Connie’s & saw her for a very little visit. Took Henry to club—cards on Granvilles & German Embassy—home. Lent carriage for Irene Ponsonby to come to tea with me. Two Miss Monks called. Showed Irene picture books– She went home at 6.30. Miss Bell came to try on my new tea gown– Went to dine with John Murrays. Met Canon Liddon & his sister Mrs Ambrose, Mr & Mrs Hardwicke, Mr Elwin, Sir Henry Rawlinson who took me to dinner—& I sat next to Elwin a devoted old friend of Henry’s. We had a long talk abt the latter & he was indignant at his treatment by the present Govt & was loud in denunciation of Gladstone. He said that Lowe once told him that Gladstone was the most difficult man to work with as he would sacrifice any principle for popularity with the masses– I said I had always given him credit for the one virtue of honesty but Elwin said he did not believe he had even that. After dinner I talked to Miss Gifford who also dined & was introduced to Canon Liddon who gave me 2 tickets for the service at St Paul’s tomorrow afternoon—it being St Paul’s day. When I told Henry abt the tickets he said that Canon L. had looked rather shy of him at first at the remembrance that he Liddon had been one of Henry’s fiercest denouncers on the subject of Bulgarian atrocities with McCall & Gladstone.

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