0Monday. 27th February [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 27th February [1882]. Lady Burdett Coutts sent her carriage for me to fetch me to go with her to a meeting to be held in Willis’ Rooms abt a Fish Exhibition to be held next year. RHR P. of Wales as the chair! I was driven to Stratton St & after waiting a few minutes Lady Keppel & her daughter got in the carriage with me. Lady Tenterden—the Baroness, Mrs Hardcastle &c set out in other carriages. We waited at the corner of St James St while the Bss went in search of Sir Stafford & Lady Northcote & Lady Spencer– The latter did not come but the Northcotes did & we all went to Willis’ Rooms to the meeting. There were a quantity of men and only ½ doz. women besides our party. We had not very long to wait. I sat between Sir Francis Burdett & the Bss. The P. of Wales took the chair, the D. of Edinboro’ came with him & on the platform were nearly all the ambassadors & ministers, Lds Granville, Tenterden, Dr Sutherland Richmond & a lot more. The R made a short speech followed by one by the D of Edinboro who was pale & his hands shook with nervousness. Lord Granville, Sir Alexander Galbon, M. de Bilandt, Lord Salisbury &c spoke– Just as the meeting was drawing to an end a gentleman among the spectators got up & tried to make a speech, at wh there were cries of “order” & the P. of Wales said very gracefully that they must keep to the programme as too much time would be wasted. When we came out abt 1.30 it was raining & the Bss’s carriages not being forthcoming Mrs Hardcastle & I got into a hansom & she brought me home. I found Blanche waiting for me & she lunched with us & then took me out with her in her carriage. The weather was showery so Blanche returned home abt 4 & dropped me at 22 Mansfield St. I found Susan at home & sat a little with her. I walked on to Langham House to see Mama & to ask her if she cd find us 2 housemaids of whom we are in search. I took a cab home. Miss Gurwood called after 5—& so did Mme d’Antas. The latter sat a long time with us—& I had only just time to dress for dinner after she left. We dined at 7.30 & Blanche & Edward dined with us & directly after dinner Blanche & I drove down to the H. of C. to hear the Debate. We found Lady Hayter there & Miss Gladstone & Lady Harcourt came later. We went to Lady Blands seats. Lord Lamington was speaking when we arrived but the excitement of the evening was over. Gladstone called a meeting of his party at Downing St this afternoon at 3 & explained his policy to them—then he made a brilliant speech in the House & in a decision he had a large majority on the question as to whether               . We stayed to hear Mr Brand, Mr Arthur Balfour & Sir                speak & we left while the ODonnell was speaking in a most provokingly insulting taunting manner. It was raining very hard & was very cold as we came home at 11.30.

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