0Friday. 19th May [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 19th May [1882]. Sir Wm Gregory came to see Henry early after breakfast & agreed to come back to lunch & bring Lady G. wh he did. Dr Burton came to see Alice who was to meet him here, she did not arrive in time & he went away & said he wd return at 1.30. While we were all at luncheon Alice turned up having walked here with Mama– After lunch Sir Wm, Henry & Morelli went out together. Burton came again to see Alice & then Lady Gregory took her back to Lang. Hse. Blanche’s carriage came to fetch me & I hurried off to her & unfortunately had kept her waiting. We went out together & she left cards &c In Bond St I got out of the carriage & walked home it being 5 o’cl. Henry & I went to dine at 15 Queen Anne St & met the Master of Rollo & his bride, Maria & Richard Du Cane, Mrs Sydney Glyn. Morelli was to have dined but was not well eno! Blanche & I both sang in the evening.

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