0Thursday. 18th May [1882]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 May 1882 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 18th May [1882]. I had a headache & cd not do much in the morning. I expected Ivor but he did not come. Henry went out with Morelli in the morng but returned soon saying M. was so unwell he had to go to his hotel & go to bed. At 1 I walked to Blanche’s. She was out & I sat with little Onie & we arranged flowers together. B returned by 1.30 & we had luncheon together & then at 2.30 she brought me home in her Victoria. I laid down & slept feeling unwell till tea time. Blanche came to tea & Mr Burton of the Nat. Gallery. Afterwards Mama & Alice Du Cane came & Alice remained to dine with us. I taught her cribbage for ½ hour before dinner & after dinner she played with Henry & went back at 10 to Lang. Hse to dress to go out to a ball. Henry & I played cribbage till bed time. Got a letter from Monty this morng saying a Mr & Mrs Sundry wanted to take our rooms here for June & July at £50 a month. I telegraphed to accept.

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