0Saturday. 27th [May 1882]—The Hague
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 May 1882 — The Hague
Saturday. 27th [May 1882]. Breakfasted at 9. Went out at 10 & walked to the Picture Gallery which is close by the States General. Was delighted with Paul Potter’s young bull which is a stupendous bit of painting. The cow who is lying down & the sheep are wonderful– The man is hard & unpleasant. The landscape & sky charming. Saw also the Rembrandt School of anatomy– The heads are all wonderfully fine. There are also many nice little pictures of the Dutch school. We took a carriage & went to the Netherland’s Museum where are a few old bits of furniture, glass, some old plate, guns, carriages, sleighs &c but nothing very remarkable. It was made in imitation of our S. Kensn Museum a few years ago. We drove to leave a card & a letter for Mme Bisschop an artist lady a friend of my mother’s & then home to the Hotel. We passed some very smelly canals quite stagnant & almost unbearable. Went home & had some coffee– Found the post in & answered some. Mrs Stuart the wife of our Minister called on me & took Henry back in her carriage to see Mr Stewart who is laid up with gout. We had dinner at table d’hôte at 5.30 a long weary meal which lasted nearly 2 hours & in the course of which we had fish 3 times. Afterwards we took a carriage & drove in the wood. The trees very thick planted are very tall & straight & make a thick shade. We drove round it & back outside it– Took coffee at the hotel– Played cribbage till bed time.

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