0Wednesday. 14th June [1882]—Christiania (Oslo)
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 June 1882 — Christiania (Oslo)
Wednesday. 14th June [1882]. Got up at 7 & went to catch the 8.40 train for Trondhjem. Mr Crowe the V. Consul came to see us off & was most kind in helping us to interpret. We found some English going up amongst them Mr James & a young friend, Mr & Lady Agnes Daniell, Mr Corrance. We went 1st class as far as Eidswold. There some English people, Mr & Lady Gertrude Cochrane got out to go by steamer on the Mjosa Lake to Lillehammer. We went 2nd class after this there being no 1st. We got very good food en route—a dinner being provided at                consisting of salmon, trout—meat & a sweet. There was only one pige to serve—everyone had to go & help himself & might take as much as he liked—for this meal we had only to pay 1 kr. a head. We arrived at abt 10.30 at a place called Tynset where the train stopped for the night. There was a little way side inn which took in the travellers. I went straight to bed after making myself some tea with my spirit lamp. Everything was clean but rough. It was very cold & I cd hardly get to sleep.

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