0Wednesday. 21st [June 1882]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1882 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Wednesday. 21st [June 1882]. Being the post day we all wrote letters till 12 when the steamer came & Monty, Ld R. & Bertie went down to get the post. I worked on at the sofa cover. It was a very hot day & there blew a scirocco so that I got a headache & cd not eat much dinner. Afterwards I lay down on the sofa & slept for an hour & got a little better. Got up & went to join Monty & cast on the bank & then sat with him while he sketched a hut. Supper at 10. Played cribbage with Henry in the porch till past midnight.

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