0Wednesday. 16th August [1882]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1882 — Baveno
Wednesday. 16th August [1882]. Sat in verandah talking. Henry took Alice to see the Borromean Islands. I stayed at home & wrote a lot of letters after which I went down to the garden. We had lunch at 12 & then I went up & wrote letters. Made acquaintance with Cavaliere Martino an old gentleman who said he had met us at Lady Hollands at Naples 2 winters ago. Abt 5 Henry & Alice came back & Mmes Minghetti & Dönhoff, Eugenie & I walked up to the Villa Henfrey to play lawn tennis. We were received by old Mr Tottenham, the clergyman—his wife & daughter who are invited every year by the Henfreys to stay at the Villa 2 months & Mr Tottenham does the service in the little church. Miss T. Eugenie, Mme Minghetti & I set to work to play tennis none of them being able to play but myself. Their servant picked up the balls for us & they were very kind. Mme Min: got dreadfully excited, jumped, ran, hopped & screamed & made us all roar with laughter– She made us keep on serving to her—& soon there was no real game but practice & a great deal of fun. We had to rush back to the hotel to our table d’hôte dinner at 6 & arrived abt the middle of it. After dinner old Martino took us all out in 2 boats to fish. We had an old man who is the head of all the fishing– He was very loquacious & boasted of having an uncle a marquis—name of family Maurizio– He said they had a fine house &c &c & so continued incessant talk—all the while rowing us about while we trailed a long line around with several spoon baits attached. We took nothing but were told that trout of 5, 6 & 10 & 12 kilos were frequently to be got. Mme Minghetti who was in the boat with me & Signor Martino soon got tired & we went home—besides a storm threatened & we were afraid of getting wet. We sat a little in the garden & went early to our bedrooms. Henry & I played cribbage for an hour– Signor Cambray Dini & his daughter came to the hotel & we made their acquaintance. He had been Minister of Finance in Minghetti’s government.

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