0Monday. 28th August [1882]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 August 1882 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 28th August [1882]. Breakfasted in my room. Mlle Bontempelli came to arrange abt giving us Italian lessons. Washed plants &c &c. Alice & Henry went out to see Mr Brown in afternoon. I stayed in & wrote letters. Alice & I played duett on piano & harmonium after lunch. Henry & Alice brought me a watering pot & some bulbs for planting. Dined at 7. Went out for a row. Pleasant cool evening & splendid moon. Stopped to hear the singing in a boat & then went as far as Public Gardens. Sent Alice home at 10 & Henry & I went to Css Valmarana. Henry played whist. I sat & talked to Mocenigo of St Stae & old Bentivoglio—a couple of very stupid dull old bags. M. Hubert the French Consul also talked to me some time. We did not get home till after 12.

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