0Thursday. 1st February [1883]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 February 1883 — Paris
Thursday. 1st February [1883]. Breakfast in bed. At 11 went out with Hill to the Louvre & to Mme DuCroquet’s to finally settle about my black dress. Got home at 1 & was joined at 1 at luncheon by Henry who had been to see Mrs Tom Taylor. At 2 we walked out together to do some more shopping & went again to Mme Kees about my fan mounts & then to Palais Royal got some books. Home– Had tea, rested, read & wrote. Went to dine with Lord Lyons. Met his niece & 2 grand nieces, Mr Edwards, Mr Barrington, Mr Sheffield & Mr & Mrs Plunkett. Mr Sheffield made me a present of a live kitten wh I brought home to Hill’s care– It is abt 10 days old.

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