0Friday. 16th February [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 February 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 16th February [1883]. Breakfast in bed– Got up at 11. Wrote letters. Mrs Alexander Bagot & Sir Wm Gregory came to lunch & Arthur also. Mrs Bagot was full of the reports abt Rome. She said she knew the Pagets were leaving in the spring & that Lady Paget was going abt saying she knew we were going there but that she would make the place too hot to hold us—& was going abt telling all kinds of dreadful stories abt us. I told Mrs Bagot that if we did go there that I did not think Lady P’s machinations would matter– I know the meanness of the world—those who are ready to worship a falling star wd always be mean eno’ to do the same to the rising one! Mr Burton came in for a few minutes but at 3 I took Henry to the Brit: Museum & left him to see the Ashburnham MSS. I went to leave cards & to see Connie who is kept in by a slight attack. I went to see Ella Drake afterwards & then home– Found Henry in & Blanche there & we had tea. Mrs Ball called & sat some time talking & then Lady Gregory & my sister Kate turned up unexpectedly & Edward Ponsonby looked in & Arthur dined with us. Henry & I played cribbage in eveng.

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