0Saturday. 24th February [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 February 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 24th February [1883]. I walked out in the morning & went to see Blanche. We walked out together shopping & returned to our respective homes for lunch at 1.30. Went out paying visits &c. Went to Woolland’s shop where I found my sister Blanche & Mildred Guest with her & also Lady Louisa & May Ponsonby. Went to Mrs Lecky’s—her day at home—met a good many people calling there. Home at 5 stopping to see Lady Gregory on the way. Blanche & Mildred came to tea. Had a headache, went to dine with the Burrs. Met Sir C. & Lady Dickson, Sir J. & Lady Rose, Miss Clara Thomas, Miss Duff Gordon &c. Had a long talk with Sir John Rose wh was very agreeable– I left Henry at Lady Stanhope’s party & went home as my head was still aching.

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