0Monday. 5th March [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 5th March [1883]. Henry’s birthday. Hearing Ivor was in town Henry went off to see him & begged him to come & see me. He promised to do so but did not turn up. Henry & I went out at 1.45 to St Georges Place to lunch with the Gregorys. Met Miss Remington, Signor Albanesi, an Italian piano forte player, Mr Bingham & his affianced bride an heiress of £7000 a year & rather plain. Sir Wm was out but came in at the end of lunch. We went afterwards to the Temple to call on Mrs Vaughan. We found her at home & a great many people calling amongst them Lady Bloomfield– We stayed a very short time & I promised to return on Friday when she wd be alone. Found Blanche at home when I got there & Mrs Kay, Mrs & Miss Drummond, Mrs Burr, Fred & his 2 girls Ida & Amy also came– Later Squire Burr, Connie, Maria & Lady Cowley. The latter was most pleasant & talked of Consple & old days when she & her husband were there & Henry also as secy. It was 7 when they were all gone & I had 10 mins: to dress as we dined early & went to Mmd. Pop. Concert at James Hall. Walked there & back. We heard Joachim play & [illegible word] on the Piano—both played well, but the quartetts & quintetts & duetts sound poor in such a large building. Played cribbage.

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