0Wednesday. 7th March [1883]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 March 1883 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 7th March [1883]. Wrote, read &c. After lunch went out with Henry to the Painter Etchers’ Exhibition Private View in the street, then on to the Burlington Club to see the Rossetti exhibition wh consists of the drawings as there was not room for at Burlington House. They were looking horrible & we were glad to get out again. We drove after this to the National Gallery & had a very pleasant hour there looking over a few of our favorite pictures & looking at the new Signorelli wh has just been put up. I went after this to see Mrs Rate, did a little shopping & home by 5. Had tea & put up the flowers for the dinner table, wrote menus & had only just time to dress for dinner. Blanche & Edward, Lady Agneta Montague, Sir Wm & Lady Gregory, Sir Arthur Otway, Mr & Mrs Poynter, Mr C. Newton, & Browning dined with us. In the eveng Mr A. Bagot & his son Fitzroy, & Miss Remington, Mr & Mrs Burr, Miss Scobell, the Misses Duff Gordon, Signor Albanesi, Mrs W. Hanson, Arthur Guest, Connie & Alice DC, Mr. H. Murray, all came & we had some music & a very cheery eveng only that I was so distraite & depressed. Albanesi played beautifully. Blanche sang charmingly. It was a cold snowy night & when our party broke up there was a difficulty in finding cabs for them—it was very slippery underfoot–

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