0Monday. 30th [April 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 30th [April 1883]. Busy morning with Fer: arranging plants &c. Mr Hamilton Aidé came to lunch & then Henry took him to Murano. I went in the Stabto gondola to see Mrs Eden abt our cook whom it appears has been threatened by the other cooks who will not allow her come to us. I went to the Stabto to get some pretty glass for our table & then home. We dined at 7.30—morning dress– It was pouring & there was a great thunderstorm just as they were abt to start to come so that they were somewhat late. Henry took the Pss to dinner. The Prince gave one arm to me & one to Princess Victoria– The food was not very good & Giovanni had hard work to make the service go right– After dinner the Crown P. smoked in the Belvidere with Henry & the Pss sat & talked to me. She showed me her locket with the portraits of her boys who died & she cried a little. She said she enjoyed being at Venice for she had of late suffered so with neuralgia in her head. She said that their position in Berlin was so trying—not liking the powers that be & yet having to hide it all—& the P. at his age having to be a dutiful son—besides the anxiety abt his father when the least finger ache was on him. They stayed till abt 10 & then went home having been most amiable & having seemed so happy. The Crown P. said he had enjoyed being out of an hotel for a few hours in a comfortable English house. The Princes were accompanied by Seckendorff & the ADC & Lady in waiting.

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