0Sunday. 29th April [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 April 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 29th April [1883]. I did not go to church not feeling very well. Ct Seckendorff wrote to say the P. & Pss will dine with us tomorrow night. Henry gave me some letters to copy for him. After lunch went out in gondola with Henry; we went to Mr Malcolm’s garden to take a walk & ask Ferdinando to bring me some flowers for tomorrow. We went on to call on Mrs Bronson—found her at home & sat with her some time. I went home & Henry went to call on Mr Brown. Mme Castellani called & Idita also came to tea. Mr Hamilton Aidé dined with us & after dinner we went out to hear the serenata of the hotels, wh was not very good.

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