0Saturday. 16th [June 1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 June 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 16th [June 1883]. Idita came & sat to me. Mrs Eden came for a few minutes. I modelled from 10 to 1 & was tired. After lunch Ninina Brandolin came & then Mr Malcolm & Css Michiel, a widow half Swiss half Scotch. At 3.30 Henry & I went to the Stabto & then at 4 to the Edens. I went in Mr Edens boat with him & Mrs Eden with Henry & Idita followed in her own boat with the Michiel children. A storm was threatening but we went to the Lido & only got the end of a shower there. We had tea & a walk. The Bagots were there & we met Genl. de Horsey walking there. Miss Bronson & Miss K. Bagot joined us later & Mr Gervase Ker & Mr Talbot. We did not come home till nearly ¼ to 8. After dinner took a row & then went to the Edens to hear a serenade done by Dr Facci & Mme Pilat wh was not good & so we came home early. Hill accepted my offer to stay with me at £40 & no wardrobe.

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