0Wednesday. 17th October [1883]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 October 1883 — Florence
Wednesday. 17th October [1883]. Mrs Ross came at 11 & she & I walked together & shopped. Henry went to see Sir James Hudson & we all 3 met at the Café Gilli in the Piazza della Signoria. We had an excellent lunch of stuffed tordi & very good coffee. We then walked round to the Hotel and I got the parcel of Burano lace & we took it to Ct Tommaso Pelagi a decayed gentleman who now keeps an antiquary shop & consulted with him abt selling it. He kept 6 pieces & said he hoped to sell them for me. We went on to the Cascini to the Giardino d’Acclimatazion to try & buy birds. We offered for 2 small parrots but the owner was away & his wife declared she cd not give them without consulting her husband. I left Mrs Ross at Mr Peter Wells’ house & drove back to the Hotel. Henry was in. Made myself some tea & rested. Wrote letters. At 6.30 Miss Lyall came & we took her to dine at Gilli’s & had an excellent dinner at 4 fs a head. Then took a walk to look at the shops, bought some chocolate. Left Miss Lyall at her hotel & then back to ours. Cribbage till bed time.

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