0Sunday. 18th November [1883]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 November 1883 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 18th November [1883]. Morelli left us by the morng train & returned to Milan. I went to church & took the maid Coard. I led the singing & Miss Cremer played harmonium—but she informed me in a whisper that she could not continue to do so as she found “it was the cause of disagreeables between her & her mother” as she found her mother liked to direct & so that when they wished to make any change in the tunes she was not pleased. I said I would see if I cd play next time & she must not mind. I did not go out again. M. D’Este came to talk about the lace orders for Mrs Hewitt & Lady de Gex. Miss St Clair came to call & did not allude to the contretemps of Friday. Ct & Css Canevaro came also & Miss Lyall.

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